KSTC DEPT.OF EDUCATION- Entry Level Test-BEd. C 401, BEd. C 402 and BEd. C 403

1.Family is important

2.Modernity is

3.If a person appears before us, wearing skin of animals, we will utter

.4. The Major Aim of Education in the light of modernity is

5 .What we get by reading a news paper is a part of is

7.The major aim of education in a democratic society is

8.Social mobility is

9.Transformation of culture is

10.Transmission of culture is

11. Inclusive education and integrated education are the same concept

12. Special education is Providing education to differently abled children

13. Empathy towards differently abled children

14. Charity approach to different ability sees such ability as

15. RCI is

16.UNCRPD is

17.Do you believe that gender and sex are

18.Gender in different cultural set up is

19.Sex in different cultural set up is

20. If a married woman indulges in adultery with a man other than her husband in India

21. In India there is a tremendous development in the case of women education

22. The rate of gender bias increases day by day because