1 Language Across Curriculum means

2.In Language Across Curriculum, Language is taught by

3.Grammar is not Important in Communication

.4. Grammatical Accuracy & Knowledge on Grammatical Rule are

5 .Language is an important part of Communication

6. Language should be selected on the basis of

7. Only language teachers should give importance to the language of communication in the classroom

8. Aesthetic sense is important for

9.Non-Language teachers should give importance to

10. Language of a student is influenced by the language of a teacher

11. Language influences thinking process

12.A good teacher language is comprised of

13. The Teacher communication is in need of

14. If a student gives a wrong answer, you would

15. If a student gives a correct answer, you would

16. If a student tries to give a correct answer, and is not able to complete it, you would

17. Listening skill is an important part in the development of language of a teacher

18. Would you permit your students to ask for repeating something you have already explained

19. What you think about giving clarification in your classroom

20.Have you ever head about the following reading levels-Literal-Interpretive-Critical-Creative

21. Standard English is necessary for

22. Acquiring English Skills for a Financially poor Student is

23. Creative Writing in English is possible for

24.Free Lance writing is

25. Creative writing should be practiced